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Early Childhood

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Girls are


A World of Wonder Awaits

In the Marlene R. Shaw Early Childhood Center, our youngest students, ages two through Senior Kindergarten, embark on a joyful journey rooted in discovery, independence, and curiosity. Each classroom is thoughtfully designed to nurture every girl’s early sense of wonder and security, with the warmth of a rocking chair symbolizing the love and support she will experience from her very first day.

Flexible Scheduling for Every Family's Needs

St. Mary’s offers the broadest range of scheduling options in Memphis, with over 30 possibilities to suit your family’s needs. From two-day mornings to five full days, parents can customize the week for girls in St. Mary’s Place (2-year-olds) through Junior Kindergarten. Our After3 program, available until 5:30 p.m., provides even more flexibility with enriching activities.

Engaging Curriculum Led by Expert Educators

Our Reggio Emilia-inspired, project-based learning approach brings learning to life through hands-on exploration. Two lead teachers in each classroom work alongside specialist experts in Spanish, art, music, science, and more. From foundational literacy and early math in Pre-Kindergarten to deeper learning in Junior and Senior Kindergarten, our curriculum meets girls where they are and guides them forward with engaging, individualized instruction.

student and teacher

Holistic Development for Lifelong Success

Through weekly Chapel services and the Bridge to Caring program, our character education initiative, we instill kindness, respect, and community awareness from an early age. This balanced approach, blending academics, creativity, character, leadership, and service opportunities sets each girl on a path to success, preparing her for the academic rigor and lifelong friendships that await in our Lower, Middle, and Upper Schools.

Why Choose St. Mary’s Early Childhood Program?

Looking for a school where your daughter can truly flourish? At St. Mary’s, we create a learning environment specifically designed for how girls learn, celebrating each student’s individuality and fueling her curiosity and creativity through dedicated, passionate teaching. Here are just a few reasons why St. Mary’s is the ideal choice for your daughter.

Designed for Her


Schedule options families can customize for their daughter's schedule, early drop-off and after care are available


Subjects like Spanish, Art, Library, Creative Movement, P.E., Science, Religion, and Music


Lead teachers who are supported by special subject educators


Magical years in the Early Childhood Center

Ready to start your daughter’s journey at St. Mary’s?