Early Childhood

St. Mary’s Place for early childhood education (2 years old by June 1) through Senior Kindergarten

In the Marlene R. Shaw Early Childhood Center, each day is an adventure of wonder and discovery.  Our youngest preschool girls begin their journeys in an environment that is steeped in language and filled with a spirit of independence and inquiry. A rocking chair is tucked into every early childhood education classroom at our private school in Memphis and is a symbol of the love and security each young girl will experience as she begins her transition from home to school.

Girls in Early Childhood attend Chapel once a week and participate in our ongoing character education program fondly known as the Bridge to Caring. Read more about the character traits here.

Early childhood years create a foundation for your daughter's life. 80 percent of brain development happens by age 5. Research has shown the importance of early childhood learning experiences and its impact on later learning, behavior, and health.

6 Reasons to Choose St. Mary's

Imagine a learning environment specifically designed for the way a girl learns, where each student is recognized as a unique individual, and where dedicated teachers spark her curiosity and foster her creativity. 

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Flexible Schedule

Families can customize their daughter's schedule. Early drop-off and after care are available.

St. Mary's Place

St. Mary’s Place students have 2-day, 3-day, and 5-day options including mornings and full days.


Pre-Kindergarten students have 3-day and 5-day options including mornings and full days.

Special Subjects

Students enjoy a variety of subjects like Spanish, Art, Library, Creative Movement, P.E., Science, Religion, and Music

Experienced Educators

Each classroom has two experienced lead teachers who are supported by special subject educators.

Weekly Chapel

All Early Childhood students attend weekly chapel where we build on character education.

Christina Block

Head of Early Childhood

Jacinta Miller

Administrative Assistant to EC Head

Early Childhood Office

71 N. Perkins Road
Memphis, TN 38117